I have tried meditation numerous times. I just cant' seem to make it part of my regular routine. However, I have learned to do it 8 second intervals, and it has been life changing.
I stumbled across something that really resonated with me as I was reading (yet) another book or article on meditation. Each breath is an opportunity to start over.
The context of the statement was don't worry about wandering thoughts when you meditate. Just observe them without attachment, let them go, and refocus on your breath. Even if you have to do this a million times during your meditation session, remember each breath is an opportunity to start over.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Baby It's Cold Outside. Ideas to Up the Cozy Factor
One of the ingredients in a happy life is creating positive emotion, and savoring and being grateful. On a cold, rainy/snowing/sleeting day is a great time to hunker down and get cozy. Here are a few of my favorite and simple ways of creating a cozy atmosphere.
Friday, January 12, 2018
Motivated to Make a Change This Year? GIVEAWAY for 3 months of One-on-one Coaching - FREE!!
As you know, my New Year's
Resolutions this year is to find more meaningful happiness. When you are using your talents and strengths to accomplish something, you are happier. When you do acts of kindness and have gratitude, you are happier. I've been looking for a way to put more good out in the world, using my strengths and talents, and I have come up with two ideas.
Friday, January 5, 2018
What Giving It Your Best Really Looks Like
Today I feel like poo. I have a cold. I'm tired, have a massive headache, and it's freezing outside. Like many, I had nothing but the best of intentions for killin' it in the New Year. I wanted to start it all off with a clean house, clean eating, etc. Instead I stare at all the crap strewn throughout my living room. There are Christmas gifts that need put away, my kids bathrobes are on the floor, there is never ending supply of stuffing everywhere from my dog's Christmas toy. Seriously, how does so much stuffing come from one little stuffed animal??
I sigh and bend to pick up the bathrobes, but instead I grab a blanket and a pillow, wipe some stuffing aside, and set my butt down on the couch and turn on the fireplace. I just don't have it in me today. Sure, I can dig deep enough to at least get the living room presentable, but I'm not because I really don't need to. No one is coming over. I've got no place to be, and if it bothers anyone in the house that bad, they can pick it up, but that ain't going to happen because they are all playing or relaxing some place else right now.
Monday, January 1, 2018
How to Make a Resolution You Will Keep
I remember the first year of my marriage coming in with my list and proudly showing my husband all the things that I and we were going to accomplish this year (yes, I had my goals and couple goals). I said, "Where's your list?" He looked at me blankly and said, "I don't have a list."